Industry News

ATRI – Top 10 Survey

As the country and our industry move to put the Covid-19 pandemic behind us, 2021 has been a year of challenges and opportunities for trucking.
The fits and starts of the economic recovery, the rollout of protective vaccines, and the new wave of Covid’s delta variant, a new Congress – the importance of trucking has never been more clear.
Our industry has been at the forefront of addressing key issues because we have worked hard to have a seat at the table with policymakers, policymakers who seek out ATA’s opinion on matters because we are able to understand the issues.
A significant part of understanding the issues facing our country has been the annual survey conducted by the American Transportation Research Institute. This survey of stakeholders from across the industry helps ATA and our industry prioritize the many challenges and opportunities we face. ATRI’s research provides a chance for thousands of trucking industry professionals, from drivers to executives, to weigh in on the most important topics that affect trucking and collectively decide on the best strategies for addressing each.
Completing this survey only takes a few minutes, but its impact can be immeasurable. The data ATRI provides will chart the course for ATA and the industry at large. So please, join me in completing the survey so your voice can be included. The survey is available online here, and I hope you will encourage your employees and industry colleagues to complete the survey as well.
Your feedback is crucial, so please, help ATRI and ATA help our industry by providing a clear picture of the landscape we face. By participating, you are helping our industry speak with a collective voice on what is most important to us.
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