Convention 2021
It is time for the 2021 Convention! Here is a preview of what we are discussing in the business sessions…
Chris Spear leads. As the proactive, creative president of American Trucking Associations, Chris regularly takes “the hand he is dealt” and comes up with winners. His ability to pursue wins for the industry regardless of changing political tides or political powers makes ATA one of Washington’s most successful industry associations. Chris will share changes that have been made, the opportunities now open to the industry, and those areas where trucking must be prepared to fight.
The United States is 4 trillion dollars deeper in debt than it was just a year ago. Both states and the federal government continue to force businesses to remain closed or operate at less than capacity, and both keep paying people to avoid working. Despite this, interest rates remain low, the dollar remains strong, and there is actual economic growth. Some pundits say all the economic rules have changed. Others think the rules are merely being ignored – for now. Dr. Roger Tutterow will review the state of the economy, what markets look like today, and share his forecast for both the nation and, more specifically, the industry.

The trucking industry supports lifestyles across the nation, but it has been supporting one too much. Lawsuit lotteries, Jackpot Justice and Sue and Settle letters are a way of life for billboard lawyers that needs to be stopped. Abuse of the rules and procedures around litigation has ruined careers and companies and led to criminality around the nation and in Georgia. Dan Cook will bring an update on what is being done in Lawsuit abuse reform and how carriers can reduce risk and aid in changing this broken system. Having personally invested in over a dozen companies, Dan understands the issues first-hand and approaches solving business problems from an owner’s perspective.
If 2020 proved anything, it proved companies must be adaptable and ready to meet unanticipated “black swan” events with the creativity and ingenuity few plan on. It proved time and time again that businesses that fail to innovate will die. Companies must innovate. Companies will innovate. The question is whether a company develops a vision for innovation that lets it be a growing leader or innovates only in response when pain threatens to damage or destroy it. Led by corporate innovator Professor Steven Nedvidek of Wake Forest, this session will help attendees learn the distinct benefits of a vision for innovation and implement that vision in their company for tremendous future success.
Technology is changing equipment faster than ever. Both the marketplace and the regulatory environment are pushing evolution, compliance, and disruption. Learn from leading trailer and tractor manufacturers how they incorporate technological changes, whether market or regulation is bringing the change and what disruptions are coming.
Tomorrow’s truck and trailer combination promises to be more expensive but also to offer more safety, more intelligence, more driver opportunity, and comfort. Savvy innovation and implementation by trucking companies can turn those promises into greater flexibility, economy, and productivity.